Wednesday, January 28, 2009

tel me why~~!!!!!!

hmm....yesterday wan go s'ban(seremban) de JJ watch movie de.....thn...haiz the rotten apple let me aeroplane....hnhn...i always time got good things dun wan find her dy(although.....if i find he oso not vry good thing).OKLO thn go wif ji mui lor...same same de la....we go green box sing K....mana tahu.....full dy....hmm...ok lo.....go movie......terminal 2 de cinema....mana tahu...full juga....ok lo...go eat 1st la.....hungry dy leh....ok lo.....looks like u not belif....dun tel me u belif me la..i can c it through ur face....ok lo,let u c the pic,let u belif methis is fui n ching.......

nah....tis is foos belif me liao leh....
after finish our meal...we got1 lo...cus i wan buy thr..walau.....only t1 got seats...haiz....ok last c liao "ALL’S WELL, END’S WELL 2009" take pic la tis late dy...lazy take......u wan ask me why my story dint suit my title??dun think too much......i oso duno y

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