Tuesday, February 3, 2009

something happend 2day......

sure u feeling weird..y i post a common so fast...hmm....i oso duno...haiz.....cincai la...u just listen 2 my story la......now u watching story.....not u tel story....OK!!!2day our MPW lecture said got quiz o....make me study until so late at yesterday(who ask me~myself dint do revision leh....whn wan reach only burn midnight oil)ok lo....mana tahu 2day he dint come again...i knw la....everytime u oso not belif me de...wan me show my pic only u belif de,walau~~~~ok lo!!!!i show u again lanah.......u oso got see de la.....8:25 dy....oso no lecture....hnhn...we wan sue him dy...walau eh..come late...i think he simply de la...cus last class he oso simply angry n go out from the class ..........ok lo......thn we go hav our lunch+breakfast at cafeteria lo...cus,yesterday go McD dy..now not enogh $$,ok lo.....our friend "LUO YANG"go buy the rice....wah...we said...the "tauke" mybe see u nid it...so give u as a gift lo...hahaha...knw wat is itso...i think now.....me..consider as bad friend group in LUO YANG de feeling dy...hahaha,nvm la.....he always said i'm his bad friend de la

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